About Us 关于我们

Leong San Buddhist Temple, “Dragon Mountain Temple, has its origin in another temple of the same name in Nan An County, Fujian Province, which was established during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). This Singapore temple was built in 1917 by Rev. Zhuan Wu who came to Singapore in 1913 with only a statue of Kwan […]

The lodge was expanded by Tan Boon Liat, a local philanthropist, in 1925. By 1926. construction was completed with building materials imported from China. Many restoration schemes were carried out through the years with the last major work undertaken in 1970 when Abbot Rev. Kwong Cheng added the main shrine and the left and right […]

The Mountain Gate, Leong San Buddhist Temple, Leong San See Temple Singapore

The road fronting the temple and leading up to the gate was a private road belonging to Leong San Buddhist Temple. This gate is known as Mountain Gate (Shan Men) and can be commonly found attached to temples on mountains all over the world. The private road was originally built for the convenience and safety […]

Tan Boon Liat: The builder of the main temple, Tan Boon Liat (Chen Wen Lie), was a prominent local merchant and philanthropist who donated a substantial sum for this building. He was not only the supervisor for the project, but also the treasurer. Venerable Zhuan Feng (1879-1952). He originated from Nan-An County in Fujian,and was […]

Leong San Buddhist Temple Logo, Leong San See Temple, Buddhist Temple Singapore, Mee Toh School

The Mee Toh School is closely associated with the temple. Venerable Kong Hap had originally wanted to build a new temple, the Mee Toh Temple, next to Leong San Buddhist Temple. However, he dropped the plan in 1951 as he realised that there was a greater need for a school to provide education for the […]

Venerable Kong Hiap, Leong San Buddhist Temple, Leong San See Temple, Abbot Kong Hiap

Venerable Kong Hiap was born Huang Runzhi in Luo-Dong, Nan -An County, Fujian Province , China , on 4 January 1900 to the Huang family. In 1921, Venerable Rui Deng of Nan Pu-Tuo Temple in China, ordained him. He practised the Nan-Shan precepts under Preceptor Master Venerable Gu Xing in Nan-Shan Guang Hua Monastery, Pu-Tien. […]

Supporting Your Temple's Mission Through Donations

“The way to happiness is: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by.” Gautama Buddha

We greatly welcome all donations to Leong San Buddhist Temple. We will ensure all donations will be channeled towards our visions and mission.